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Nessa seção, começamos com o autor David Ricardo,
um pensador no terreno da Economia.
Equipe Literatura Viva
The produce of the earth - all that is derived from its surface by the united application of labour, machinery, and capital, is divided among three classes of the community; namely, the proprietor of the land, the owner of the stock or capital necessary for its cultivation, and the labourers by whose industry it is cultivated.
produce - produto
earth - terra
derived (v. to derive) - derivado
namely - denominado
land - terra, propriedade
whose - cuja
But in different stages of society, the proportions of the whole produce of the earth which will be allotted to each of these classes, under the names of rent, profit, and wages, will be essentially different; depending mainly on the actual fertility of the soil, on the accumulation of capital and population, and on the skill, ingenuity, and instruments employed in agriculture.
stages- estágios
whole - todo, totalidade
which will be allotted - o qual será distribuido
under the names of rent, profit, and wages - sob os nomes de aluguel, lucro e salários
depending mainly on- depedendo principalmente de
soil - solo
To determine the laws which regulate this distribution, is the principal problem in Political Economy: much as the science has been improved by the writings of Turgot, Stuart, Smith, Say, Sismondi, and others, they afford very little satisfactory information respecting the natural course of rent, profit, and wagens.
to determine - determinar
laws - leis
regulate this distribution - regula essa distribuição
improved by the writings- melhorado pelos escritos
others- outros
very little satisfactory information - muito pouca informatição satisfatória.
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